So now I am in a relaxed state, but how to find the renewal of time? With busy schedules, chores to be done, commitments, work, running and too many more to list, how do you find time for you? Sometimes a vacation isn’t necessarily always packing your bag, but finding a place where you can renew yourself on a day-to-day basis, a respite from your repetitive duties.
We all need a break, but too often we say “I’m too busy” ~ even more reason to schedule some “you” time. We’ve all heard about Staycations; vacationing at home. What about Daily Staycations? Here are some ideas to recharge and renew yourself on a daily basis. Learn to take a break by taking a long, relaxing bath ~ turn off your phone, light some candles, put on some music and just soak your stress away. Give yourself an at home facial, a pedicure or a manicure. Read a book. Go for a walk, a run, a bike ride, or any type of exercise. Wake-up before everyone and have some quiet time without the daily news or radio and just listen to the silence. Treat yourself to lunch out with or without friends, pack up a picnic, go sit at the park and enjoy the sights around you. Fly a kite. Go fishing. Pick up a new hobby and let yourself enjoy a little bit of creative time. On those lazy days, put in your favorite old movie, grab a blanket, some favorite indulgences to munch on and just relish in the moment. Go walk around your town and be your own tourist. Take your camera and see your world through a different angle.
Without taking time for yourself, we often burnout and find ourselves stressed and overwhelmed. Too often we deny ourselves little indulgences because it may seem selfish or too time consuming. Sometimes just that little bit of time is what we need. I like to have a glass of wine, sit under the stars on a quiet summers night and just listen. This is my time. I find that in our busy world, these moments of nothingness is restful and it relaxes the soul.
When I do get the opportunity to take longer me time, there are so many options to chose from. A day at the spa, a little retail therapy, a drive to the lake, an overnight trip to a neighboring town, visiting a Farmer’s Market, buying flowers just for me, just because. Go for a horseback ride, visit your local museum or art galleries. Treat yourself to a self-indulgent road trip; traveling to places you’ve yearned to visit.
Sometimes taking time for yourself doesn’t always mean you have to be by yourself. Enjoy time with your spouse, your friends, but just remember it’s about you and not accommodating everyone else. Relish, renew and relax. It’s a guarantee that if you let yourself enjoy, you just may find a new sense of being.