Popcorn has been around for centuries. It had originated in New Mexico in 1948 by archeologists who discovered popcorn in a bat cave that were at least 5,600 years old. Popcorn is one of the most popular snacks and the average American eats approximately 17 gallons per person per year equaling to an astounding 4.3 billion gallons of popcorn a year.
Popcorn is actually a healthy snack (depending on how it’s cooked and what toppings are added), but for air-popped popcorn, at a mere 31 calories per cup, while oil-popped popcorn boast at 55 calories per cup, it‘s still a great go-to snack.
For a little extra knowledge to share with your fellow “poppers”; a popcorn kernel can pop up to three feet in the air, the first commercial popcorn machine was invented in 1885 by Charles Cretors, and when visiting a movie theater and enjoying your popcorn, remember that tradition started in 1912.
With so many ideas and toppings from sweet to sour and uses for soup
toppings, salads, the ideas are endless!
For those of you that are feeling less creative, you can still enjoy the
festivities by visiting on of many a popcorn stores such as the Popcorn Factory
Here is a great recipe to keep those taste buds popping ~ Enjoy!!!
Blazing Buffalo Ranch Popcorn
In a small bowl blend:
1 TBLS Ranch Dressing or Dip Mix
1 TBLSP Celery Salt (or Seafood Spice Mix)
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Powder Sugar (or regular Sugar)
1/8 tsp Cayenne Pepper
Sprinkle 1/4 tsp Vegetable Oil over mix and blend together
Place 6 quarts popped popcorn into a large bowl and sprinkle mixture overtop and stir. I using air-popped popcorn, you may want to lightly spray your popcorn with a cooking or butter spray.
To make sure your festivities are just right, be sure to serve up the fun in some of the great planet friendly products from Green Party Goods ~ an absolutely amazing selection that will keep you coming back for more!