I sit back and realize how quickly time passes and question if I could've been a better person, but then as I thumb through my many memories I realize I am exactly who I was raised to be. I was graciously given wings to soar and when I would fall, sometimes there was someone to catch me and other times I'd hear the famous words - "Amy, will this matter in a hundred years?"
I often think of that when life is difficult and I smile because my dad gave me an appreciation for life and a sense of humor. I watch my husband and I see the same love, pain and strength as he stands watching out children fly and fall.
There's something about a father - be it strength, softness or safety, but no matter, I think the older you get, the more you realize it's the most unconditional love there is in life.
One year we took my parents on a family vacation and I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph both literally and mentally the most beautiful moments of my life. I think my favorite was watching my husband and my dad sit by the lake together in the most calm and quietness of unspoken feelings.
I have realized that we all may not have the perfect life, but the life we do have is a gift and for that I thank my parents! There is no card and no words that can ever express my gratitude to a man I am proud to call my father.
May all the men, the women who fill those shoes enjoy a day of peace and love and know all is right in our heart and soul. Happy Fathers Day!