Follow some important steps to make your day relaxing, restful and safe for another day of Summer fun in some sweltering heat.
Remember your sunscreen. Even if you don't have full sun, there are plenty of harmful rays affecting you.
Protect your eyes with protective sunglasses or better yet, wear a hat that also covers your face.
Keep hydrated ~ and that means plenty of water to go along with those poolside cocktails.
Take a few breaks in the shade and enjoy some appetizers or a refreshing lunch of salad and fruit.
Don't forget your animals. Make sure they have plenty of water and a cool place to relax. Please remember that the temperature in a vehicle rises far faster and hotter than outside. Don't leave your animals in your vehicle ~ or your children. Not only can it be extremely hot, but too often it is dangerous and deadly.
Sometimes there really is a thing as "too much sun". Come inside and relax in hopefully some air-conditioned area. Rehydrate and relax.
I myself am a sun lover, but on days when the temperature and humidity soar, an old movie on the tv with some central air is just what this girl needs.
Be safe and enjoy you Sunday dive!
Photograpy from Inslee at http://inslee.net/